Just wanted to share a few pictures from our memorial day weekend...
I guess it started Saturday night when we had dinner with the Beckers and the Maxey's (minus momma Maxey):

Looks like these three will have A LOT of fun one day...of course the fella in the back will have a thing or two to say about what goes down:

Well on to Monday, Sunday was kinda not too exciting...but there will be more pictures from Monday as we are only half way through our fun filled evening. (OK I lied, I didn't get around to taking anymore pictures...the next update will be heavy with Momma and Layla pictures...Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day...Remember as my favorite rifle manufature says "God Bless Our Troops, Especially our Snipers"! Thank a soldier for your day today.
Lane had fun in the water...AGAIN:

This time with Sadie:

And Dad was SMOKIN...

BTW Layla and Momma were inside cookin beans and cleaning up the inside of the house...