Saturday, June 5, 2010

Fun Filled Fishing Weekend...

Hey everyone...were having a great weekend out at Nanny and PawPaw's we went over to one of their neighbors houses and caught 7 very large catfish! I have quite a few pictures on my phone (Genius forgot the expensive camera!). I'll be sure and post all of the pictures when we get back to an area with REAL cell phone service and WiFi...Surprisingly the VERY LAST person fishing was Jackie Duke! She caught about a 13 pound catfish and SHE WAS HOOKED! We stuck around for about an hour after everyone was finished waiting on Jack to call it a day. Sooooo while we waited I threw a line in the water and caught a 13.1 pound catfish. Of course that's my story...and I'm sticking to it. I have pics of the fish....I'm holding them...of course. Jackies fish is nice and in'll see.

Here's a quick pic that only took an hour or so to send...Lane reeling in about a 8-9 pounder.

OK well Here a are a few pics that I downloaded from Nanny's camera...

PawPaw catching Jackie's fish and Lane's fishing pole...almost...
Jackie's fish...

Lane's Fish...

Some of our catch and starting to clean...

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