Saturday, December 4, 2010

Well...we tried...

Well we thought we should try and grab a few pictures of the know for Christmas cards and such.  We rushed to get them dressed and to make it out of the house before we lost the light...we had less than an hour.  We ended up in downtown Bryan but I'm afraid we were just a little too late.  Were gonna try's hard to get pics of these guys...if you finally get one to hold still the other is halfway down the road...or up the stairs...or in the fountain...or running out into the street! are some of the outakes...

He was getting a little too into it...

I should have taken a little more time in this spot...

He looks like he's having a blast huh?

These shots were nice too...but the kids looked like we had just took away all their toys...

The sun was perfect if we could get the kids on the same page...

I wanna go back here when the sun is shining...

She's got her evil grin down nicely...

And thats about it for this evening...might go out tomorrow and try to get a few more shots.  Hopefully the kids do better.  Their attitude may have something to do with them being at home with me for most of the day...Layla took a short nap...Lane...NO WAY!  We hung up a few lights but we're thinking about painting the house and I didn't want have to take them all down to paint...we thought about putting up the tree...but we need to clean up a few things first!  Hopefully we'll have some better pics soon!

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