Saturday, May 30, 2009

Layla got a treat...

OK so the other night we walked in and saw this:

It didnt take us long to figure out how it happened:


Turns out she likes yogurt...

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

Just wanted to share a few pictures from our memorial day weekend...

I guess it started Saturday night when we had dinner with the Beckers and the Maxey's (minus momma Maxey):

Looks like these three will have A LOT of fun one day...of course the fella in the back will have a thing or two to say about what goes down:

Well on to Monday, Sunday was kinda not too exciting...but there will be more pictures from Monday as we are only half way through our fun filled evening. (OK I lied, I didn't get around to taking anymore pictures...the next update will be heavy with Momma and Layla pictures...Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day...Remember as my favorite rifle manufature says "God Bless Our Troops, Especially our Snipers"! Thank a soldier for your day today.

Lane had fun in the water...AGAIN:

This time with Sadie:

And Dad was SMOKIN...

BTW Layla and Momma were inside cookin beans and cleaning up the inside of the house...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sprinkler city...

So Lane wanted to blow bubbles on the porch this evening...after pouring out half the bubble solution, Lane decided to cry, whine, and throw a fit worthy of an academy award. Shortly there after dad filled up the holder with bubble solution and then proceed to dump half of IT out himself...leading to yet another award winning crying session by Lane. Eventually he was coerced into playing in the sprinkler which killed two birds with one stone (clean porch and clean Lane). lane had fun, the porch got clean, layla had fun, Mom got a wet hug, and Dad got to take pics of the whole thing.

so enjoy the the way this was Laylas first time in the sprinkler...

Lane hugs Momma:

This one so wanted in on the action:

hey I wanna play:




havin fun sister?

hey Layla catch:

Where did you learn how to throw?